So, what's been going on you may (but probably won't) ask? Let me see, I suppose the main thing is probably the change of car plan. First (after the BX) was a 1975 2CV, complete shed and, so I found out, completely unsuitable for the task. Next came a fantastic Citroen ZX. What a great car. Whoops, I traded it against a Discovery.
Hmm, frustrated Rachael is!
I'm not one to rest on my laurels as it were so, undaunted, I set about looking for something "interesting" for us to use, cue Linda Harrison. Long term friend and fellow 2CVer Linda had an unfinished project of a 2CV van sitting (getting in the way) in a garage so after a little bit of arm twisting (I.E. "Linda, can I have that old van of yours please?") the van was winging its merrily way to mine.
Easy, we've got wheels. Wrong. What we have is; a nice shiny new galvanised chassis, some shiny painted suspension components, loads of body panels, a shell with most of the welding finished and and an engine and 'box sitting in the garage. What we don't have though is usable road wheels. Or brake cylinders and shoes, or kingpins, or fuel pipe etc etc.
This is one helluva jigsaw puzzle but at least I've got a picture on the box to go by!
More soon. Honest.
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